Benefits & Content of Chinese cabbage |
One of the most famous Chinese dishes (chinese food) in Indonesia is Cap Cai (CapCay) also uses a chicory as one of the vegetable composition used, of course, accompanied by other vegetables such as carrots, green mustard, and others. And incidentally the dish is one of Ubul's favorite dishes. So do not be surprised if this vegetable is almost always in the refrigerator Ubul: D
But here Ubul will not discuss about Ubul favorite cuisine or Cap Cai. Ubul wants to discuss what are the benefits of chicory for health. Yes, indeed Ubul not yet know about it, but because Ubul very often consume it, Ubul so curious and decided to find out about the benefits.
Fresh and Fast Delivery - Efficacy of the chicory for health was quite a lot and complete for the size of a vegetable, especially considering the price is relatively cheap. So it is not wrong indeed if this vegetable become one of the raw materials for some recipes used by Ubul's parents. According to sources that Ubul read, white mustard has a good property for our health, among others, to prevent osteoporosis, prevent heart disease, prevent anemia, maintain corneal health and much more. It can not be separated from some of the content contained in it.
What are the ingredients contained in the chicory? According to sources that Ubul read, there are several nutrient content contained in it with at least nine benefits that can be obtained from this vegetable.
The benefits of the first chicory is to help increase endurance, accelerate wound healing, and prevent bacterial infections. That's because in this vegetable contained vitamin C supposedly almost equivalent to oranges so it is very good for things - things that have Ubul write above.
To prevent mumps, it turns out that vegetables that have latin name Brassica rapa convar is also very good for consumption. This is because the white mustard contains Goitrogen which inhibits the function of the thyroid gland that triggers goiter goiter. This as well as the second benefit of white mustard vegetables.
That said, this vegetable is also good to prevent heart disease. The content of vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene is very good for preventing cholesterol and heart disease. All three substances are useful to prevent the occurrence of oxidation of LDL cholesterol. In addition, if consumed, this vegetable can minimize the process of ateroskerosis which means it can reduce the likelihood of heart attack because in this vegetable also contain niacin.
The content of folic acid contained therein plays a role in the synthesis of nucleoproteins. The process is the key to the production of red blood grains in the bone marrow. That means it can be useful to prevent anemia caused by a lack of cellular content or red blood grains in the blood.
It is said, white mustard also can work to prevent diabetes mellitus because it contains calcium that plays an important role in lowering blood sugar levels and also lower cholesterol levels.
In addition to preventing diabetes, calcium content that is supported with vitamin K in these plants can regulate bone and calcium protein in bone so as to prevent bone loss or commonly called osteoporosis.
Our eyes need vitamin A intake to maintain their health, especially in the cornea. Well this vitamin was also contained in the chicory so it is good for eye health.
Phnom penh Fresh and Fast Delivery - For those of you who diligently take care of the skin, this vegetable is also very good for consumption. The reason, white mustard vegetables contain vitamin E is very good for skin health. In addition, this vitamin also acts as an anti-oxidant is also good to increase endurance.
And the ninth benefit of the chicory is to prevent various types of cancer. According to sources that Ubul read, in this vegetable contained Indol and Isotiocyanat that can reduce cancer proteins because of the ability of both substances to regulate the enzymes that serve to detoxify the liver.
For the problem of "cancer" or dry bag, this vegetable is also good for consumption. Because in addition to the relatively cheap price, the various content and benefits above is already very good for the size of a vegetable. And certainly not going to spend too much i
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